


Title: Animated Rows in CSS with keyframes

In today's web development, rows of data are often displayed in a table. For example, a user may want to see a list of products in a table, with each product represented by a row. To display rows of data in a more user-friendly and visually appealing way, CSS is often used.

CSS allows you to specify the style of a web page by using selectors, classes, and屬性. One of the most powerful features of CSS is the use of keyframes, which allow you to specify the animation properties for a class.

To createAnimated Rows in CSS with keyframes, you will need to create a class that represents the desired look and feel of your rows. The class will typically include properties such as the color, background-color, font-size, and other style options.

To create anAnimated Rows in CSS with keyframes, you will first need to define the properties for the rows you want to display. For example, you might define a class that includes the color for each row, as well as the font-size and other style options for each row.

Once you have defined the properties for your rows, you can use the keyframes feature to specify the animation properties for each row. For example, you might use the following keyframes to create an animation of the row color changing from blue to red:



@keyframes color-animation {

0% {

background-color: blue;

50% {

background-color: red;

100% {

background-color: blue;

This example defines a class called "animation-class" that includes a keyframes rule for changing the background color of each row from blue to red at the specified percentage rate.

To use this class, you will need to define a container element that will hold the rows of data. The container element will also need to have the class "animation-class" applied to it.

Once you have defined the container element and the class for the rows, you can use the keyframes feature to apply the animation to each row. For example:


.animation-class > tbody > tr:nth-child(n+1) {

animation: color-animation 1s infinite;

This example uses the nth-child() CSS selection method to apply the animation to the second row of each table cell. The "1s" option specifies the animation to run for 1 second (i.e., infinite) and the "in" option specifies that the animation should be continuous (i.e., not分段).

By using keyframes to createAnimated Rows in CSS, you can create visually appealing and user-friendly tables that can help improve the user experience.