My dear friends, we can practice our independent learning in life.
In my opinion, English is very beautiful and English is not very difficult.
We can read a lot of English books and English articles. Interest is the best teacher. We are supposed to enjoy reading English articles.
I believe that we can learn something meaningful. Let's save time and energy to solve some really difficult problems. We will be more active in life.
As we all know, it's really great if somebody has an amazing education.
But we know from our own experience and our own life and other great people that we work with, that people don't have to have a degree to have value. Or to be of tremendous worth to different businesses.
As we all know, that life smarts , that great experience, that this kind of internal kind of create know-how is just as valuable as a degree.
I always think that English is a very beautiful language. It is very important for us to learn English well in life. Let's enjoy learning English together. Let's have fun, my dear friends!