



謝邀!上次傳的聽說課模版稿,受到很多朋友歡迎。這次又來送資料了——閱讀課模版稿?。ㄏ旅娓缴弦黄媒浬硤龅膽鸶澹约壕幹?,已幫助很多人成功上岸,請添加“關注”,免費拿走吧,祝早日成功上岸)教師資格證面試英語試講,還是比較好過。俗話說得好,凡事預則立,不預則廢。最好還是做好充足的準備,做到萬無一失。英語教資面試的注意事項:1. 全英講課,口語流暢且語音還標準,那絕對的碾壓一切,所以背誦模版稿是非常重要的,考試時你的口語會流利的連自己都驚訝;2. 一定要有板書,板書好一定是遵從以下幾個方面:字跡美觀,工整清晰,沒有涂改,排版好看。而且好的板書一定是老師最牛的基本功,而且也是碾壓一切其他能力。寫好看字的方法:一定不要寫連筆;盡量學會用符號來突出標題;手寫印刷體會讓你的字閃耀著光芒;學會使用方框。(喜歡的朋友添加“關注”,我會在下期的頭條號中公布模版。)3. 要自信,要自信,要自信,重要的事情說三遍。自信的人會發光,自信的人眼睛會溝通。自信的人說的話是有感染力的,也很容易影響到別人對你的判斷,會認為你是一個很厲害的人。4. 面帶微笑,Smiling can bring you closer to the examiners. 微笑能普遍比其他考生高3分,愛笑的人運氣都不會太差,所以考試時請微笑吧。但是千萬不要笑的讓考官覺得你是個傻子,這樣就很尷尬了。5. 電腦快沒電了,還有很多條拿高分的技巧和方法,下次再說,喜歡的朋友,添加“關注”哦! 6. 現在直接簡單粗暴一點——上干貨!下面這篇稿子輔導過很多考生,順利考上教師資格證,請一定要認真背誦稿子,畫橫線的表明是可以進行替換的地方。祝大家早日成功上岸! (記得點贊和添加關注哦?。︰nit1 Where did you go on vacation? 閱讀課模版(Reading)Teaching aims: 教學目標

Knowledge aim(知識目標): Students can learn some new words and learn some knowledge about Penang.

Ability aim(能力目標): Students can improve their reading skills, especially through extensive reading to grasp the main idea of the passage and through intensive reading to grasp the specific information of the passage and learn to guess the meaning of the words according to the context of passage.Emotional aim(情感目標): Students can improve their interest in learning English and improve their awareness of cooperating with others. Key and difficult points: 重難點

Key point(重點): Let students learn some new words and improve their reading abilities.

Difficult point(難點): Let students use the language learned from reading the passage into real situations.逐字稿Greeting開場(目的:介紹自己,禮貌開場白,面帶微笑,入場大方自然。)

Good morning, my dear examiners.(鞠躬) I am the Examinee No.1. Today my topic is Unit 1 Where did you go on vacation? Can I begin my class now?Thank you!(鞠躬)

I. Warming-up熱身環節:猜謎語(目的:用謎語來引入本課所要學習的一個國家——馬來西亞, 展示口語,引入學習內容,激發學生學習興趣。)

Good morning, boys and girls. How are you today? Fine, good. I am fine, too. Before this class, I will give you a riddle. It is about a country. You should guess which country it is. Now let’s listen carefully. It is beautiful and hot which is beside South China Sea. The fruits there are very delicious. Lots of Chinese people like traveling there every year. Who can tell me which country it is? Linda. “Vietnam.” Cathy, “Singapore” Gina, “Malaysia” “Yes, Gina has had a really good guessing. It is Malaysia.”

II. Pre-reading ---讀前:1. 頭腦風暴; 2. 解決詞匯障礙; 3. 預測閱讀文章大意(目的:1. 頭腦風暴用語引出思維導圖,面試官會很喜歡看到這一點,板書也會很好看,這一點很多考生都想不到;2. 解決詞匯障礙,讓學生能在讀中環節,閱讀的更好,沒有生詞壓力;3. 預測閱讀文章大意,可以調動學生閱讀積極性和興趣,順便更好的過度到讀中第一遍閱讀,泛讀找出文章大意。)

(①Brainstorming頭腦風暴)Boys and girls, Have you ever heard about this country? Yes, also all of you want to travel to that country. Okay, my question. “If you are in Malaysia, what will you do?” You can have a discussion with your group mates and three minutes will be given to you. Then I will choose someone to tell me. Now do it, go. Time is up. “Lucy, please. Good, sit down, please. Lucy just said she would go to the beaches to enjoy the sunshine. Cathy, good, sit down, please. Cathy said she would eat different kinds of fruits. Linda, good, sit down, please. Linda just said she would go swimming and sleep under the sun.” Boys and girls, all of you will do different things when you are in Malaysia.

(②Obstacle解決詞匯障礙)However, there is an interesting kind of sport which is also very famous in Malaysia. Can you guess what it is? Now, let’s look at the picture on the screen. What can you see in it? Yes. There is a man taking a big umbrella flying in the sky by big wind. Though it is dangerous but exciting. So can you tell me which sport it is? Yes. It is paragliding. Follow me, please. Paragliding, paragliding. (③Prediction做預測) Boys and girls, next we are going to read a new passage. Now according to the word and mind-map on the blackboard. Can you predict what we are going to read about. Lily, please. Your answer is novel. Sit down, please. Cindy. Good, sit down, please. Your answer makes me feel different. Okay, different students will have different ideas of the prediction about the main idea of the passage. (III. While-reading)讀中:1. 第一遍讀,泛讀;2. 第二遍讀,快速閱讀找難單詞,并猜詞義;3. 第三遍閱讀,精讀。目的:1. 泛讀第一遍找大意,并檢測之前學生的預測是否準確;2. 第二遍快速閱讀,讓學生找到指定難理解的單詞,并通過上下文來猜測詞義,鍛煉學生猜詞的能力;3. 第三遍閱讀,精讀,讓學生完成表格,掌握文章具體信息,并且表格可以幫助學生進行文章復述,這個環節非常好,因為能夠很好的跟讀后環節聯系在一起,處理得好,會讓考官對你的課堂設計刮目相看,認為你是一個成熟有經驗的老師。

(1st-reading,泛讀找大意)Now let’s read the passage for the first time and find out the main idea of the passage and check your predictions. I will give you three minutes. Now do it. Time is up. Who can tell me the answer? Catherine, please. Good, sit down, please. Catherine said the passage is mainly about the activities Jane did on vacation in Penang. Your answer is right. Boys and girls, claps for Cindy.

(2nd-reading,快速閱讀,猜詞) Now let’s read the passage for the second time quickly and then find out the word “trader”. Then you should guess the meaning of the word based on the context of the passage. Three minutes will be given to you. Now do it, go. Time is up. Who can tell me the answer? Jack, please. Yes, it means that the person who trades or does business with others. Jack has done a very good job. Sit down, please.(3rd-reading,精讀,完成表格) Now let’s read the passage for the third time and then fill in the chart quickly. I will give you five minutes and then some students will be chosen to write the answers on the blackboard. Now let’s do it quickly, go. Time is up. Tom and Julia, please. If you have finished, go back to your seat. Now, everyone, let’s check the answers together. We can know that all the answers are right. They have finished this task wonderfully. Boys and girls, now please clap for Tom and Julia.IV. Post-reading 讀后:討論discussion目的:1. 讀后環節需要將讀前和讀中的所學知識和能力運用在老師設定的真實且綜合的語言情境中去,讓學生運用所學知識解決實際生活中的問題。2. 可以實施的活動有:辯論debate,復述retelling,討論discussion,對話conversations,角色扮演role-play等活動,而且這些活動可以體現任務型教學法,交際型教學法以及情境型教學法。3. 可以實施小組活動,活躍課堂氣氛,小組合作學習也是主考官要看重的點;4. 這里的語言有線索:主(題)--(分)組--形(式)--時(間)--(分)享.

(主)All of you have read the passage very well and also mastered the language from the passage. I am so proud of you. This time, I need you to have a hot discussion with your group mates(形) about your own last vacation and the activities you did there. You can ask each other with the question “What did you do last vacation?” And finish the mind-map. (組)I will divide you into 6 groups and (時)give you five minutes. (享)Later some students will be chosen to have a report with the first sentence “Last vacation, different students did different interesting things. As for me, I……”. Now,let’s begin to do it.

Time is up. Who can have a sharing? Jane, please. Good job. Sit down, please. Jane’s performance really amazes me and he has a very strong ability in speech. Boys and girls. Now please clap for Jane. V. Summary 總結:老師帶著學生一起總結;也可以,學生總結,其他學生補充。目的:每節課在課程結尾都要有總結,考官很看重,也是新課改的要求;可以幫助學生全面了解這節課都學了什么;時間多可以多說點,時間少可以少說點。

Time runs so fast. Let’s have a summary of this lesson. I will lead you to have a conclusion. This lesson, we have learned the words and know some knowledge about Penang, also we have practice our reading abilities, especially in grasping the main idea through extensive reading and in grasping the specific information through intensive reading and also learn to guess the meaning of the words according to the context of the passage.

VI. Homework 家庭作業:讓學生寫封信給Jane目的:讓學生課外將所學知識再次學習和運用在生活中;盡量不要布置太多作業,讓學生多開口說就好。

Al last, I will give you my homework. You should write a letter to Jane about your own last vacation. You can refer to the mind-map you have finished just now. Next class, I will choose someone to have a sharing. Goodbye, everyone.


java 面試英文,教師資格證面試英語試講好過嗎