CREATE DATABASE `component_management_system`; USE component_management_system; CREATE TABLE `component` ( `id` INT(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `name` VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL, `description` VARCHAR(255), `category` VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL, `manufacturer` VARCHAR(50), `quantity` INT(11), PRIMARY KEY (`id`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8; INSERT INTO `component` (`name`, `description`, `category`, `manufacturer`, `quantity`) VALUES ('Resistor', 'A passive electronic component that can limit current flow', 'Passive Components', 'Vishay', 100), ('Capacitor', 'A passive component used to store electrical energy and create a delay', 'Passive Components', 'Murata', 50), ('Transistor', 'An active component used to amplify or switch electronic signals', 'Active Components', 'ON Semiconductor', 200), ('Diode', 'A two-terminal electronic component that conducts current in one direction', 'Active Components', 'Diodes Inc.', 150); SELECT * FROM `component` WHERE `category` = 'Passive Components';