/* CSS美化技巧 */ /* 1. 自定義字體 */ @font-face { font-family: 'MyFont'; src: url('my-font.woff2') format('woff2'), url('my-font.woff') format('woff'); } body { font-family: 'MyFont', sans-serif; } /* 2. 漸變背景 */ background: linear-gradient(to bottom, #fc00ff, #00dbde); /* 3. 陰影效果 */ box-shadow: 0px 2px 4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.25); /* 4. 動畫效果 */ animation: fadeIn 1s ease-in-out; @keyframes fadeIn { from { opacity: 0; } to { opacity: 1; } } /* JS美化技巧 */ /* 1. 照片墻 */ $('.gallery').magnificPopup({ delegate: 'a', type: 'image', tLoading: 'Loading image #%curr%...', gallery: { enabled: true, navigateByImgClick: true, preload: [0,1] }, image: { tError: 'The image #%curr%could not be loaded.', titleSrc: function(item) { return item.el.attr('title') + 'by John Doe'; } } }); /* 2. 文字跳動 */ var TxtType = function(el, toRotate, period) { this.toRotate = toRotate; this.el = el; this.loopNum = 0; this.period = parseInt(period, 10) || 2000; this.txt = ''; this.tick(); this.isDeleting = false; }; var elements = document.getElementsByClassName('typewrite'); for (var i=0; i以上是一些常見的CSS和JS美化技巧,當然還有更多的技巧等待著我們去發掘,讓我們一起打造更加美好的網頁!
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