以下是MySQL官方開源協議的一部分: 1-1. Definitions. Unless otherwise stated below, capitalized terms will have the meanings set forth in the attached SOFTWARE USE AGREEMENT. 1-2. License Grant. … it is MySQL AB's intention to make MySQL and MySQL-Front available under the GPL according to the standard “reasonable” interpretation of the GPL license agreement, excepting parts explicitly documented as "not part of" the exceptions referred to in section 2 below. This document can be found at the MySQL Web site in the file LICENSE in the top-level directory. 1-3. Ownership. … MySQL AB retains copyright and other intellectual property rights for MySQL and MySQL-Front. 1-4. Reservation of Rights. If you have any doubts about whether or not a particular use is acceptable, please contact MySQL AB ( MySQL AB reserves the right to deny you use of the licenses granted herein and to refuse support for MySQL and/or MySQL-Front to anyone who is not in compliance with the terms of this Agreement.