
f062 css


F062 CSS - Introduction and Practice

CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) is an essential tool for website developers to style and design their websites. It is a visual language that specifies the樣式,布局, and behavior of web elements. In this article, we will provide an introduction to CSS and discuss its basic syntax, properties, and usage. We will also explore some common CSS rules and their effects, as well as some advanced features and techniques.

Introduction to CSS

CSS is a text-based language that can be used to style and customize web pages. It is an optional extension to HTML, and it is used to create a visual representation of the content on a web page. The language is designed to be cross-platform, including Windows, macOS, and Linux, and it can be used on both web and mobile devices.

CSS 語法

CSS has a simple syntax that is easy to understand for developers. It consists of two parts: the CSS class name and the rules for using that class.

CSS class name

A CSS class name is a sequence of characters that represents a set of CSS rules for style and behavior. The class name can contain any combination of characters, including spaces, numbers, and special characters. For example, the class name "normal" could be defined as:

.normal {

font-size: 16px;

color: #fff;

The above code will apply the "normal" class to all elements on the page, which will make their font-size and color match the specified values.

CSS rules

CSS rules are a set of statements that define the style and behavior of an element. They can be used to specify the color, background, font-size, outline, and more properties of an element. The rules are applied in the following order:

1. First, the current class is applied to the element, based on the class name.

2. Then, any rules defined with the same class name are applied to the element.

3. Then, any rules defined with other classes are applied to the element, based on the class name.

4. Finally, any rules defined with no class are applied to the element.

For example, the following code will make the element's background color red:

.red {

background-color: #ff0000;

The above code will apply the "red" class to the element, and the element's background color will be set to red.

Practice with CSS

To practice using CSS, you can create a simple website using HTML and CSS. Here is an example of a simple website created using HTML and CSS:

<!DOCTYPE html>



<title>Simple Website</title>



<h1>Hello World!</h1>

<p>This is a simple website.</p>



The above code will create a simple website with a header, a paragraph, and a closing body tag.

Advanced Techniques

Some advanced CSS techniques, such as using CSS3 animations, gradients, and more, can be used to create more complex and interactive designs.

CSS3 animations

CSS3 animations are a powerful technique that can be used to create smooth and interactive animations. They can be used to create animations that change the behavior of an element over time, such as changes in size, position, or other properties.


Gradients are a type of CSS gradient that can be used to create a gradient background. They are a way to create a repeating color effect using colors, lightness, and darkness. Gradients can be used to create both linear and circular gradients.

Advanced Techniques

Some advanced CSS techniques, such as using CSS3 animations, gradients, and more, can be used to create more complex and interactive designs.


In this article, we have discussed the basic syntax of CSS, its properties, and usage. We have also discussed some common CSS rules and their effects, as well as some advanced features and techniques. CSS is an essential tool for website developers, and it can be used to create a variety of complex and interactive designs. By understanding the basics of CSS and using it effectively, developers can create more functional and visually appealing websites.