



The area in front of the teams garage designated for the car to stop is called a pit box. Whenever the race engineer want the driver to make a pit stop, they use dither 'pit this lap' or 'box this lap' or if they want to make an emergency stop then 'box box box'. Niw, most of the race engineers come from UK, Germany, France, Italy or Spain. Since most of the communication over the radio is done in English, the phrase 'pit this lap' may sound a little weird and unrecognisable for the driver over the sound of his engine. The word 'box' on the other hand sound just the same in any European accent with a very little variation. Hence most race engineers use it over 'pit this lap' if they want to convey a clear message to the driver. In addition to that, box is a relatively simple word like cat or dog that we can keep in our short term memory. This is an advantage when you have hundreds of things to take care of while driving at 250+ Km/h.