



“give thanks”的中文意思是感恩,致謝,感謝。

雙語例句:But no matter how tough things are right now, we still give thanks for that most American of blessings, the chance to determine our own destiny.但無論現在事情有多么艱難,我們仍然要感謝這個大多數美國人所希望的、決定我們自己命運的機會。When Americans at home sit down at the table and give thanks, they often express gratitude for their freedom and the sacrifices made to preserve it.能夠在家里歡聚一堂的美國人在表示感恩時,通常會為自己的自由以及為捍衛自由而作出犧牲的人們表達感激之情。And as we give thanks for our security, let's in turn thank those who've sacrificed to make it possible, wherever they may be.我們感謝我們獲得安全,讓我們感謝那些為讓安全成為可能而犧牲的人,不論他們在何處。You need to take the time to stop and give thanks to those who have helped you get where you are in life and forgive them for their shortcomings as we all have them. We are all still learning.你要花時間來好好思考一下;你要花時間停下來,感謝那些在你前進的道路上幫助過你的人,原諒他們身上的缺點——每個人都免不了有缺點,我們都時刻在學習。We should all give thanks to the Internet, because without it we'd be back to print as our primary medium.我們都應該感謝互聯網,因為沒有它的話我將回到以印刷為主要媒介的年代。Give thanks for them in your session of gratitude.向別人致謝,用以感恩的心。