(房屋、車船等的出入口 ) entrance; exit; door; gate:
便門 side door
前(后)門 front (back) entrance (door)
爐門 stove door
安全門 emergency exit
校門 school gate
(形狀或作用像門的東西) switch; valve:
閘門{機} throttle valve
水門 sluice; water gate
電門 switch
(門徑; 關鍵) way ; method; access:
竅門 key; knack
摸著點門兒了 have learned the ropes; know one's way
around; get an inkling
(家; 家族) family; house:
滿門 the whole family
喜臨門。 Blessing has descended upon the house.
(宗教、學術思想上的派別) school (of thought); (religious) sect;
branch of study:
佛門 Buddhism
孔門弟子 Confucian disciples
左道旁門 heretical sect; heterodox school
(事物的分類) category; class; branch of study:
專門 speciality
門門精通 know every subject or profession
分門別類 divide into different categories
{生} (具有最基本最顯著的共同特征的生物的歸類) phylum:
原生動物門 Protozoa
脊椎動物門 Vertebrata
{計} gate:
“與”門 AND gate
“非”門 NOT gate
(姓氏) a surname:
門文愛 Men Wen'ai
一門大炮 a piece of artillery; a cannon; a gun
兩門迫擊炮 two mortars
這一門大炮 this marriage (proposal)
這門學問 this branch of study
學兩門手藝 learn two skills (crafts)