<key>Boot</key> <dict> <key>Arguments</key> <string>-v</string> <key>Legacy</key> <string>No</string> <key>PBRIndex</key> <integer>0</integer> <key>Kernel</key> <string>kernel另一種可能的原因是系統文件損壞。當macOS的系統文件損壞或遭到破壞時,Clover無法正確引導操作系統。這可能是由于意外的系統崩潰、錯誤的軟件安裝、病毒感染等原因造成的。
Startup Manager Press and hold Option (Alt) ? immediately after turning on or restarting your Mac. Startup Disk Hold down the Option (Alt) key immediately after turning on or restarting your Mac. Then select the Mac OS X volume. System Information Choose Apple menu (?) >About This Mac. Click the System Report button at the bottom of the window. Recovery Mode Hold down Command (?)-R during startup. Safe Mode Hold down the Shift key during startup. Reset NVRAM or PRAM Shut down your Mac, then turn it on and immediately press and hold these four keys together: Option, Command, P, and R. You can release the keys after about 20 seconds, during which your Mac might appear to restart. Internet Recovery Start up your Mac and immediately press and hold Command (?)-Option-R. You need to connect to the Internet and your Mac will start Internet Recovery when it doesn't find a bootable macOS.如果恢復模式也無法修復系統文件,可以考慮重新安裝macOS。為了重新安裝macOS,需要提前備份重要的數據。在恢復模式中選擇“重新安裝macOS”選項,然后按照提示進行操作。重新安裝macOS將更新系統文件并修復可能的問題。