public class StockTradingAlgorithm { public static void main(String[] args) { double[] stockPrices = {10.2, 12.4, 9.5, 11.7, 13.9, 10.1, 14.5}; int buyDay = findBestDayToBuy(stockPrices); int sellDay = findBestDayToSell(stockPrices, buyDay); System.out.println("Best day to buy: Day " + (buyDay + 1)); System.out.println("Best day to sell: Day " + (sellDay + 1)); System.out.println("Profit: $" + (stockPrices[sellDay] - stockPrices[buyDay])); } // 找出最佳買入日 public static int findBestDayToBuy(double[] stockPrices) { int bestDayToBuy = 0; double minPrice = stockPrices[0]; for (int i = 1; i< stockPrices.length; i++) { if (stockPrices[i]< minPrice) { bestDayToBuy = i; minPrice = stockPrices[i]; } } return bestDayToBuy; } // 找出最佳賣出日 public static int findBestDayToSell(double[] stockPrices, int buyDay) { int bestDayToSell = buyDay + 1; double maxProfit = 0; for (int i = buyDay + 1; i< stockPrices.length; i++) { if ((stockPrices[i] - stockPrices[buyDay]) >maxProfit) { bestDayToSell = i; maxProfit = stockPrices[i] - stockPrices[buyDay]; } } return bestDayToSell; } }