Less 顏色定義函數
S.N. | 函數及描述 | 例子 |
1 | rgb 它創建從紅色,綠色和藍色值的顏色。 它有以下參數:
| rgb(220,20,60)它使用rgb值將顏色轉換為: #dc143c |
2 | rgba It determines color from red, green, blue and alpha values. It has following parameters:
| rgba(220,20,60,0.5)它使用rgba值將顏色對象轉換為: rgba(220,20,60,0.5) |
3 | argb It defines hex representation of color in#AARRGGBBformat. It uses below parameter:
| argb(rgba(176,23,31,0.5)) 它返回argb顏色為: #80b0171f |
4 | hsl It generates the color from hue, saturation and lightness values. It has following parameters:
| hsl(120,100%,50%)它使用HSL值返回顏色對象: #00ff00 |
5 | hsla It generates the color from hue, saturation, lightness and alpha values. It has following parameters:
| hsla(0,100%,50%,0.5) 它使用HSLA值將顏色對象指定為: rgba(255,0,0,0.5); |
6 | hsv It produces the color from hue, saturation and value values. It contains following parameters:
| hsv(80,90%,70%) 它將具有hsv值的顏色對象轉換為: #7db312 |
7 | hsvaIt produces the color from hue, saturation, value and alpha values. It uses following parameters:
| hsva(80,90%,70%,0.6) 它指定具有hsva值的顏色對象為: rgba(125,179,18,0.6) |