
php artisan help


在Laravel項目中,php artisan help是一個非常常見的命令,它可以幫助我們查看某個命令的具體用法。在使用php artisan help時,我們只需要在終端輸入php artisan help命令即可,接下來,本文將向大家介紹php artisan help的詳細功能和使用方法。

在Laravel項目中使用php artisan help命令,與在Linux或者Windows系統中使用man或help命令是類似的。通過php artisan help命令,我們可以查看所有可用的命令,以及每個命令的詳細用法和說明。


php artisan help make:controller


make:controller [options] [--]Arguments:
name                  The name of the class
-m, --model[=MODEL]   Generate a resource controller and associate it with a model
-r, --resource        Generate a resource controller class
--api                 Exclude the create and edit methods from the controller
--invokable           Generate a single method, invokable controller class
--parent[=PARENT]     Generate a nested resource controller class
-p, --plain           Generate an empty controller class
-f, --force           Create the class even if the controller already exists
-i, --no-interaction  Do not ask any interactive question
The make:controller command will generate a new controller class in the app/Http/Controllers directory. If the controller does not exist, it will be created. All controllers generated by the command will be placed in the Controllers namespace.
The --model and --invokable options will generate a model class and a single method, invokable controller class, respectively, in addition to the controller.
The --resource option will create a controller that implements all of the typical RESTful actions, including index, create, store, show, edit, update, and destroy.
The --api option will generate a controller but exclude the create and edit methods, since these methods are typically handled by a frontend JavaScript framework.
The --parent option may be used to indicate that the generated controller should be a nested resource controller.
The -p or --plain option will create an empty controller class.
Finally, the -f or --force option may be used to force the creation of the class if the controller already exists.


除了常規的make:controller命令,還有很多常用的命令都可以通過php artisan help命令來查看,例如db:seed、migrate等命令。

總之,php artisan help命令在Laravel框架中是一個非常有用的工具,它可以幫助我們更好地理解和使用Laravel中的命令行工具。希望本文對您有所幫助。