1. 在Vue父組件中使用子組件時,你可能會看到以下報錯信息:
[Vue warn]: Unknown custom element:- did you register the component correctly? For recursive components, make sure to provide the "name" option. found in ---> at src/components/ParentComponent.vue at src/App.vue
import ChildComponent from './ChildComponent.vue' export default { components: { ChildComponent, }, }
2. 在Vue子組件中使用父組件數據時,你可能會看到以下報錯信息:
[Vue warn]: Error in render: "TypeError: Cannot read property 'xxx' of undefined" found in --->at src/components/ChildComponent.vue at src/components/ParentComponent.vue at src/App.vue
export default { props: ['parentData'], ... }
3. 在Vue父組件中使用子組件時,你可能會看到以下報錯信息:
[Vue warn]: Avoid mutating a prop directly since the value will be overwritten whenever the parent component re-renders. Instead, use a data or computed property based on the prop's value. Prop being mutated: "xxx" found in --->at src/components/ChildComponent.vue at src/components/ParentComponent.vue at src/App.vue
export default { props: ['parentData'], data() { return { childData: this.parentData, } }, ... }