file:responsive _ all . less
@responsivespacing-x: @ds;
@responsivespacing-y: @ds;
@breakpoint-item: 200px;
@breakpoint-fullwidth: 640px;
@breakpoint-to-1: @breakpoint-item*2;
@breakpoint-to-2: @breakpoint-item*3;
@breakpoint-to-3: @breakpoint-item*4;
@breakpoint-to-4: @breakpoint-item*5;
@breakpoint-to-5: @breakpoint-item*6;
@breakpoint-to-6: @breakpoint-item*7;
@breakpoint-to-7: @breakpoint-item*7;
@breakpoint-to-8: @breakpoint-item*8;
@breakpoint-to-9: @breakpoint-item*9;
@breakpoint-to-10: @breakpoint-item*10;
@breakpoint-to-11: @breakpoint-item*11;
@breakpoint-to-12: @breakpoint-item*12;
@breakpoint-to-13: @breakpoint-item*13;
@breakpoint-to-14: @breakpoint-item*14;
//The basics, also applies to no-js users.
margin-bottom: @responsivespacing-y;
float: left;
+ .ri
margin-left: @responsivespacing-x;
text-align: center;
//rc = Responsive Container, ri = Responsive Item
//Making it break using element queries generated by javascript [min-width~=xxxxx]
// using breakpoint vars in them @{breakpoint-to-xx}
//The actual breakpoints.
//@todo: correct the breakpoint widths, they are not all ok!
//When looking for trouble in nested rc ri stacks, remove the below / rework the hell out of it.
.ri .ri
.pr1; //ugly
clear: none; //ugly
.ri .ri
float: left; //ugly
.ri:container(width > @{breakpoint-to-13})
.ri:container(width > @{breakpoint-to-12} <= @{breakpoint-to-13})
.ri:container(width > @{breakpoint-to-11} <= @{breakpoint-to-12})
.ri:container(width > @{breakpoint-to-10} <= @{breakpoint-to-11})
.ri:container(width > @{breakpoint-to-9} <= @{breakpoint-to-10})
.ri:container(width > @{breakpoint-to-8} <= @{breakpoint-to-9})
.ri:container(width > @{breakpoint-to-7} <= @{breakpoint-to-8})
.ri:container(width > @{breakpoint-to-6} <= @{breakpoint-to-7})
.ri:container(width > @{breakpoint-to-5} <= @{breakpoint-to-6})
.ri:container(width > @{breakpoint-to-4} <= @{breakpoint-to-5})
.ri:container(width > @{breakpoint-to-3} <= @{breakpoint-to-4})
.ri:container(width > @{breakpoint-to-2} <= @{breakpoint-to-3})
.ri:container(width > @{breakpoint-to-1} <= @{breakpoint-to-2})
.ri:container(width <= @{breakpoint-to-1})
.ri .ri
float: left; //ugly
.ri:container(width > @{breakpoint-to-6})
.ri:container(width > @{breakpoint-to-5} <= @{breakpoint-to-6})
.ri:container(width > @{breakpoint-to-4} <= @{breakpoint-to-5})
.ri:container(width > @{breakpoint-to-3} <= @{breakpoint-to-4})
.ri:container(width > @{breakpoint-to-2} <= @{breakpoint-to-3})
.ri:container(width > @{breakpoint-to-1} <= @{breakpoint-to-2})
.ri:container(width <= @{breakpoint-to-1})
.ri .ri
float: left; //ugly
.ri:container(width > @{breakpoint-to-6})
.ri:container(width > @{breakpoint-to-3} <= @{breakpoint-to-6})
.ri:container(width > @{breakpoint-to-1} <= @{breakpoint-to-3})
.ri:container(width <= @{breakpoint-to-1})
.ri .ri
float: left; //ugly
.ri:container(width > @{breakpoint-to-3})
.ri:container(width <= @{breakpoint-to-3})
.ri .ri
float: left; //ugly
.ri:container(width > @{breakpoint-to-2})
.ri:container(width <= @{breakpoint-to-2})
.ri .ri
float: left; //ugly
.ri:container(width > @{breakpoint-to-2})
.ri:container(width <= @{breakpoint-to-2})
+ &
.ri .ri
float: left; //ugly
.ri:container(width > @{breakpoint-to-1})
.ri:container(width <= @{breakpoint-to-1})
.clear-ri// Pasted css attributes using class selectors; to be able to use 'seven-a-row(@margin: @responsivespacing-x)' classes on other places as well.
clear: both;
margin-left: 0;
//Extra, not for generic use
//Extra, not for generic use
.pr14(@margin: @responsivespacing-x)
width: ~"calc(7.1428571% - " @margin / 14 * 13 ~")";
.pr13(@margin: @responsivespacing-x)
width: ~"calc(7.6923077% - " @margin / 13 * 12 ~")";
//Extra, not for generic use
.pr12(@margin: @responsivespacing-x)
width: ~"calc(8.3333333333333% - " @margin / 12 * 11 ~")";
//Extra, not for generic use
.pr11(@margin: @responsivespacing-x)
width: ~"calc(9.09090909090% - " @margin / 11 * 10 ~")";
//Extra, not for generic use
.pr10(@margin: @responsivespacing-x)
width: ~"calc(10% - " @margin / 10 * 9 ~")";
.pr9(@margin: @responsivespacing-x)
width: ~"calc(11.11111111% - " @margin / 9 * 8 ~")";
.pr8(@margin: @responsivespacing-x)
width: ~"calc(12.5% - " @margin / 8 * 7 ~")";
.pr7(@margin: @responsivespacing-x)
width: ~"calc(14.28% - " @margin / 7 * 6 ~")";
//whatever a row.... do it yourself from 7 on.
.seven-a-row(@margin: @responsivespacing-x)
.rc .ri,
&.rc .ri
.pr6(@margin: @responsivespacing-x)
width: ~"calc(16.6666667% - " @margin / 6 * 5 ~")";
.six-a-row(@margin: @responsivespacing-x)
.rc .ri,
&.rc .ri
.pr5(@margin: @responsivespacing-x)
width: ~"calc(20% - " @margin / 5 * 4 ~")";
.five-a-row(@margin: @responsivespacing-x)
.rc .ri,
&.rc .ri
.pr4(@margin: @responsivespacing-x)
width: ~"calc(25% - " @margin / 4 * 3 ~")";
.four-a-row(@margin: @responsivespacing-x)
.rc .ri,
&.rc .ri
.pr3(@margin: @responsivespacing-x)
width: ~"calc(33.333333% - " @margin / 3 * 4 ~")";
.three-a-row(@margin: @responsivespacing-x)
.rc .ri,
&.rc .ri
.pr2(@margin: @responsivespacing-x)
width: ~"calc(50% - " @margin * 3 ~")";
.two-a-row(@margin: @responsivespacing-x)
.rc .ri,
&.rc .ri
.pr1(@margin: @responsivespacing-x) /*ignored*/
width: auto;
float: none;
.one-a-row(@margin: @responsivespacing-x)
.rc .ri,
&.rc .ri,
.rc .ri + .ri,
&.rc .ri + .ri
In firefox it works fine:
[chrome versus firefox display](https://i.stack.imgur.com/TdTdR.jpg)
Also in firefox i can inspect the code (this is no longer available in chrome:
[inspector firefox display](https://i.stack.imgur.com/kFMZI.jpg)
Also there is also a cms.yml file:
search_limit: 100
inline-editable: 1
title_delimiter: '||'
backgroundslides: 1
backgroundslides_automaxwidth: 0
bannerslide: fade
delete_old_blocks_automatically: 0
delete_old_templates_automatically: 0
# or scroll
page_icons: 1
respfluid s-ultimate: POSITION_CLASS_SULTIMATE
respfluid s7654321: POSITION_CLASS_S7654321
respfluid s6421: cms.POSITION_CLASS_S6421
respfluid s63: cms.POSITION_CLASS_S63
respfluid s42: cms.POSITION_CLASS_S42
respfluid s31: cms.POSITION_CLASS_S31
respfluid s21: cms.POSITION_CLASS_S21
respfluid seven-a-row: cms.POSITION_CLASS_7R
respfluid six-a-row: cms.POSITION_CLASS_6R
respfluid four-a-row: cms.POSITION_CLASS_4R
respfluid three-a-row: cms.POSITION_CLASS_3R
respfluid two-a-row: cms.POSITION_CLASS_2R
respfluid sbs: cms.POSITION_CLASS_FLUID
#analytics: UA-XXXX
responsive_auto_image: 1
redirectmembersonlyhidden: 1
secure_videos: 1
width: ''
params: 'y=32'
add_dims: 0
image: x=33|y=23|crop
image: x=1680|y=1050
image: x=1180|y=1180
fill: 0
image: x=300|y=200
image_large: x=1024|y=768
image: x=150|y=150
imgwdth: 150
image: x=154|y=115
image: x=154|y=154
imgwdth: 154
image: x=154|y=154
limit: 9
small: x=32|y=32
photo: x=48|y=32|crop
pageiconimage: x=30|y=30|crop
photo_overview: y=180|x=180|crop
person_photo: x=90|y=90|crop