




#footerWrapper { max-width: 80%;
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             display: block;
         <div class="image" id="Sports Team logo">
         <img src="Sport Teams logo">
     <div class="image-1" id="Club logo">
         <img src="Club logo" width="246" height="237">
         <h1>Sports Team</h1>
         <li><a href="Sports Team url link">Home</a></li>
         <li class="dropdown">
           <a class="dropbtn">Club Info</a>
           <div class="dropdown-content">
             <a href="Sports Team url link">About Us</a>
             <a href="Sports Team url link">Committee</a>
             <a href="Sports Team url link">Contact Us</a>
             <a href="Sports Team url link">Game Rules</a>
             <a href="Sports Team url link">Uniforms</a>
             <a href="Sports Team url link">Fair Play</a>
             <a href="Sports Team url link">Terms and Conditions</a>
         <li class="dropdown">
             <a class="dropbtn">Winter Season 2023</a>
             <div class="dropdown-content">
           <a href="Sports Team url link">Training Information</a>
           <a href="Sports Team url link">Game Details</a>
               <a href="Sports Team url link">Registration</a>
               <a href="Sports Team url link">Season Info Pack</a>
               <a href="Sports Team url link">Handbook</a>
               <a href="Sports Team url link">Privacy Policy</a>
         <li class="dropdown">
             <a class="dropbtn">Summer Season 2023</a>
             <div class="dropdown-content">
               <a href="Sports Team url link">Training Information</a>
               <a href="Sports Team url link">Game Details</a>
               <a href="Sports Team url link">Registration</a>
               <a href="Sports Team url link">Season Info Pack</a>
           <li><a href="Sports Team url link">Umpire Information</a>
   <div class="main">
    <h2>Contact Us</h2>
    <p>Sports Team email</p>



這些框架有助于處理大部分繁瑣的微調。你的文件中不會有太多的CSS,你可以添加類名。類似于class = & quotm-auto d-flex文本中心& quot會取代你所有的css。


   .nav_bar { }

<ul class="nav_bar">


以下是如何使現有代碼居中的方法: 導航欄和main上的邊距應該是自動的,而不是0。

main { width: 80%;
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 ul { display: flex;
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      align-items: center;
      list-style-type: none;
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      overflow: hidden;
      background-color: #04AA6D;
      width: 80%;