& lt輸入類型= & quot文本& quotplaceholder = & quot沒什么& quottitle = & quot谷歌& quot必需的& gt
**內部CSS文件:* *
border: 2px solid red;
input::placeholder選擇& lt輸入& gt,而輸入[attribute = & quot;價值& quot]選擇一個& lt輸入& gt其屬性的值為value。這些做不同的事情。
/* Selects an <input> with a 'placeholder' attribute */
input[placeholder] {
color: #2ab7ca;
/* Selects the placeholder itself */
input::placeholder {
color: #ff6b6b;
/* Ignore these */
body {
margin: 0;
padding: 2em;
input {
display: block;
margin: 1em 0;
height: 2em;
width: 100%;
padding: 0.5em;
placeholder="This placeholder is red and not editable."
type="text" placeholder=""
value="...whereas the input content itself is blue and editable."
Attribute Selectors:
Attribute selectors allow us to target elements based on their attribute values.
To use them, we enclose the attribute and its value in square brackets, like this: [attribute="value"].
For example, in your code, input[type="text"] targets <input> elements that have their type attribute set to "text".
Similarly, input[title="google"] targets <input> elements with the title attribute set to "google".
With attribute selectors, we can apply styles to elements based on specific attribute values.
Pseudo-elements, on the other hand, allow us to target specific parts or states of an element.
We indicate a pseudo-element by using double colons :: before the element name.
For instance, input::placeholder targets the placeholder text of <input> elements.
Pseudo-elements enable us to style pseudo-parts or states, such as the placeholder text, first letter, or first line of an element.
Attribute selectors use square brackets [attribute="value"] to target elements based on their attribute values.
Pseudo-elements use double colons :: before the element name to target specific parts or states of elements.
在您的CSS代碼中,選擇器輸入[type = & quot;文本& quot],輸入[title = & quot;谷歌& quot],和input::placeholder每個目標元素的不同方面:
input[type="text"] applies styles to <input> elements that have the type attribute set to "text".
input[title="google"] targets <input> elements with the title attribute set to "google".
input::placeholder targets the placeholder text within <input> elements.