有沒有辦法忽略& ltp & gt并且只對其余的應用內聯樣式?
p::first-letter {
color: red;
p::after {
content: ':';
float: right;
p {
color: black;
# # #根據文件:
第一個字母之前或之后的標點符號是 包括在比賽中。標點符號包括任何Unicode字符 定義在開盤價(Ps)、收盤價(Pe)、初始報價(Pi)、最終報價 引用(Pf)和其他標點符號(Po)類。
–::首字母| MDN Web文檔
p::before {
content: ':';
color: black;
p {
color: red;
# # #如果你沒有其他選擇,并且很不幸你不得不按照我們開始時采用的方案行事,即& ltp & gt:歡迎& lt/p & gt;那你有幾個選擇,我想不出更一致的了。
SEO可見性困難,不同的爬蟲將無法應對 像這樣的東西。 不允許您選擇文本,您就是不能選擇它。 但是,它可以正常工作并正確顯示文本。
p {
font-weight: bold; /* makes the font bold */
font-size: 2em; /* increases the font size to 2em */
color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.0); /* sets the color to a transparent black using rgba */
letter-spacing: -1em; /* sets the spacing between letters to -1em, effectively overlapping the letters */
p::after { /* adds text "Welcome" after the content of the paragraph element */
content: "Welcome";
color: black; /* sets the color of the text to blue */
letter-spacing: 0px; /* sets the letter-spacing to 0px, removing the overlap of letters*/
p::first-letter { /* styles the first letter of the content of the paragraph element */
color: red; /* sets the color of the first letter to red */
letter-spacing: 0px; /* sets the letter-spacing to 0px, removing the overlap of letters*/
p::before { /* adds text ":" before the content of the paragraph element */
content: ":";
letter-spacing: 0px; /* sets the letter-spacing to 0px, removing the overlap of letters*/