
vue li 雙擊事件


Double-clicking is a common UI interaction that users expect to see in web applications. It allows them to quickly and easily perform actions by simply double-clicking on an element. In Vue, we can easily implement a double-click event on a list item using the v-on directive.

  • {{ item.text }}

The v-on directive is used to bind the dblclick event to the handleDoubleClick method on the Vue instance. The handleDoubleClick method takes an item parameter, which is the object representing the clicked item.

new Vue({
el: '#app',
data: {
items: [
{ text: 'Item 1' },
{ text: 'Item 2' },
{ text: 'Item 3' }
methods: {
handleDoubleClick: function(item) {
console.log('Double-clicked item:', item.text);

In this example, we have defined a Vue instance with a data property called items, which is an array of objects representing the list items. We have also defined a handleDoubleClick method, which logs the text of the clicked item to the console.

To further enhance our double-click implementation, we could use a debounce function to prevent the handleDoubleClick method from being called multiple times if the user double-clicks quickly. This would ensure that the method is only called once, even if the user double-clicks rapidly on the same item.

new Vue({
el: '#app',
data: {
items: [
{ text: 'Item 1' },
{ text: 'Item 2' },
{ text: 'Item 3' }
methods: {
handleDoubleClick: _.debounce(function(item) {
console.log('Double-clicked item:', item.text);
}, 300)

To use the debounce function, we first import it from the Underscore.js library. We then modify the handleDoubleClick method to use the debounce function, passing in the original method and a delay parameter of 300 milliseconds. This will ensure that the method is only called once every 300 milliseconds, preventing multiple calls if the user double-clicks quickly.

In conclusion, implementing a double-click event on a list item in Vue is a simple and straightforward process using the v-on directive. By using a debounce function, we can further enhance the implementation by preventing multiple calls if the user double-clicks quickly.