# Method 1: 用反斜杠 '\' 實現換行 string = 'This is a very long string that requires \ multiple lines to be displayed properly' print(string) # Method 2: 用圓括號 '()' 包裹字符串實現換行 string = ('This is a very long string that requires ' 'multiple lines to be displayed properly') print(string) # Method 3: 用三重引號 ''' 或 """ 實現換行 string = '''This is a very long string that requires multiple lines to be displayed properly''' print(string) string = """This is a very long string that requires multiple lines to be displayed properly""" print(string)
需要注意的是,如果換行符 '\' 或圓括號 '()' 不放在行尾,會報錯。同時,若使用三重引號做換行,引號的縮進位置將會成為字符串的一部分,影響到字符串輸出的格式。