首先,我們需要在Excel中打開并選擇我們想要導出的表格數據。然后,我們在Excel中使用“另存為”功能,選擇“文件類型”為“JSON文件”,并命名文件名和路徑。 Sub ExportToJSON() Dim filename As String filename = ThisWorkbook.Path & "\data.json" Dim current_fs As Worksheet Set current_fs = ThisWorkbook.ActiveSheet Dim last_row As Long, last_column As Long last_row = current_fs.Cells.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeLastCell).Row last_column = current_fs.Cells.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeLastCell).Column 'initialize JSON string Dim sOutput As String sOutput = "" 'loop through the rows of data Dim i As Long, j As Long For i = 1 To last_row 'start a new row sOutput = sOutput & "{" 'loop through the columns of data For j = 1 To last_column 'add the key and value sOutput = sOutput & """" & current_fs.Cells(1, j) & """" & ":" sOutput = sOutput & """" & current_fs.Cells(i, j) & """" 'if this isn't the last column, add a comma If j < last_column Then sOutput = sOutput & "," End If Next j 'end the row sOutput = sOutput & "}" 'if this isn't the last row, add a comma If i < last_row Then sOutput = sOutput & "," End If Next i 'wrap the data in square brackets sOutput = "[" & vbCrLf & sOutput & vbCrLf & "]" 'write the data to a file Dim out_file As Integer out_file = FreeFile Open filename For Output As #out_file Print #out_file, sOutput Close #out_file MsgBox "Data exported successfully!", vbInformation End Sub
上述代碼中的“ExportToJSON”子程序,借助于Excel VBA(Visual Basic for Applications)語言,可以將指定的數據表格導出為JSON格式的文件。具體來說,該子程序會從活動的工作表中獲取數據,并將其存儲在一個字符串變量中。然后,它會將這個字符串變量寫入指定路徑的文件中。在寫入文件之前,該子程序會將數據包裝在方括號中,并將每個行數據包裝在大括號中。