'獲取總共多少條數據 totalCount = recordset.RecordCount '設置每頁顯示的條數 pageSize = 10 '計算總共需要分幾頁 pageCount = int(totalCount / pageSize) '如果有余數,則需要再加一頁 if totalCount mod pageSize<>0 then pageCount = pageCount + 1 end if '獲取當前頁碼 currentPage = request.querystring("page") '如果沒有傳遞頁碼參數,則默認為第一頁 if currentPage = "" then currentPage = 1 end if '判斷當前頁碼是否小于等于0或者大于總頁數 if currentPage<= 0 or currentPage >pageCount then currentPage = 1 end if '計算當前頁要顯示的數據的起始位置和結束位置 startPos = (currentPage - 1) * pageSize endPos = startPos + pageSize - 1 '移動游標到起始位置 recordset.AbsolutePage = currentPage '循環輸出數據 do while not recordset.eof and recordset.absoluteposition<= endPos '輸出一行數據 response.write "" & recordset("column1") & " - " & recordset("column2") & "
" '將游標向下移動一行 recordset.MoveNext loop '輸出分頁導航條 response.write "" for i=1 to pageCount if i = currentPage then response.write i & " " else response.write "" & i & "" end if next i response.write "
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